Mayals Primary Letter Workshop

Posted: 21st July 2019
Last week the Fresh Workshops Co team welcomed 31 students from Mayals Primary School into our workshop space at Humphrey Lane Studios in Swansea to take part in one of our graffiti workshops.

Did you know, we also work with schools and community groups on similar workshops. Take a look here

This letter workshop was split over two separate hour and a half sessions of 15 and 16 pupils. We took each group from paper to paint, introducing them to the basics of graffiti art.


We began each of our sessions with a brief overview of the history of graffiti and it’s evolution through its different styles. From the humble tag all the way to the majestic wildstyle and everything in between.

This included a breakdown of the differences between hand styles, throw-ups or bubble letters, straight letters and beyond.

Drawing on what we know

Following this introduction we gave the students a lesson on the basic construction of a graffiti style lettering. Teaching them how to take a simple written letter and expand it into a thicker, drawn outline letter.

We also explained how to fit your letters together to make a cohesive piece. Also how to add 3D to your outlines to give your letters depth and make them appear as a more solid object. This explanation was followed with a sketching session on paper where each student picked a name or word to draw.

Using these principles they’d learned to draw their own name, in their own style, with the help of our tutors. Pupils were encouraged to have fun with this phase. Experimenting in adding their own style and adornments to their letters to make them their own.

Learning the basics

After this sketching session we took each students outline and sketched their name onto an individual wooden board. The pupils then got their chance to learn how to use spray paint, choosing their colours and using the cans to fill in their outlines.

Adding their personal touches into the fills in their designs. This is their chance to really have fun with their artwork, injecting their personality into their piece.

Once the letters are all filled in, our tutors helped to add a black outline to the letters, as well as white highlights to bring the pieces together. Cleaning up any parts that might have got a little scrappy during the fill in phase.

Making sure that every single student ended with a piece of their own clean enough to take home with them.

Over the course of three hour letter workshop the students at Mayals Primary School painted 31 graffiti pieces between them, and each and every pupil made a great effort and produced some great pieces between them. Well done to everyone who took part and made the day so much fun for us and for everyone involved!

Fresh Creative Co. have been working with various organizations around the U.K on art based projects with people of all ages and abilities.

Get in touch with us today to find out how to book your own workshop.

Check out the other work we produce with schools and community groups by clicking here

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109 High Street


Fresh Creative Co
Humphrey Lane Studios,