5Pointz Graffiti Pay-out

Posted: 21st February 2020
5Pointz graffiti Artists awarded $6.7m. After developers destroyed the work

After it was knocked down, a court in New York has granted a $6.7m (£5.2m) pay-out to twenty four artists. Who were involved in painting the once-famous 5Pointz location.

What was 5Pointz?

5Pointz was a graffiti and street art mecca located in Long Island City, New York City. It was a warehouse building that served as a canvas for many graffiti artists and street artists to display their works. Covered from top to bottom with colourful murals and graffiti art.

It became a cultural landmark and a symbol of the vibrant street art scene in New York City. A hub for artistic expression and creativity. It attracted visitors from all over the world.

Why was it knocked down?

5Pointz located in Long Island City, was knocked down to make room for high-rise luxury residences.

An iconic site and a tourist attraction that drew in thousands of people from across the world. Destroyed by developers in 2013 the artists – from the United States, Australia, Japan, Brazil and Colombia – sought damages.

From this a federal appeals courts on Friday ruled that a judge was correct to award damages against developers and hailed graffiti as a “major category of contemporary art”.

Barrington D Parker, the judge, said: “In recent years, ‘street art’, much of which is ‘temporary’, has emerged as a major category of contemporary art.”

Unfortunately the iconic site will not be brought back. However the case is considered a success for the preservation of graffiti and artists work worldwide.

“Now, it’s a validated art form which is collected, acquired and showcased in museums and galleries around the world,” she said.

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